Welcome, jerks.

Yeah, I got the fever. Three or four years ago, a rabid, red-eyed zombie sank its rotten teeth into my arm and thus I was infected with a peculiar strain of irrational obsession. Since then I have breathed, eaten, and slept bikes and almost nothing else. Maybe a vaccine will be invented, or maybe it'll simply pass, but until then I'm a slave to my compulsion to buy, transport, take apart, degrease, scour, lube, polish, assemble, tune, tighten, align, wax, buff, and yes, ride, ride, ride these magical two-wheeled machines.

So, the idea is, on this page I'm going to post pictures and perhaps stories of bikes that I've refurbished and ridden or ones that are in the process or recently completed. Maybe it'll expand from there. We'll see, I guess.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Nitto "Raundoneur" Bars: They've Got Flare

The classic randonneur bar shape is one of those subtle things that give a bike that certain je ne sais quoi, even if this sentiment is often rendered in English as, "What the f#@* happened to your handlebars, dude?" That's okay. They're not for everyone, and to be honest, I'm not even sure they're for me. Many folks make claims for their unparalleled comfort (pun intended), but I can't say I notice much difference from "normal" drops. But they certainly do no harm, and if nothing else, they can serve as a conversation starter.

A propos of nothing, I've heard that francophilia is rampant in Japan, particularly vis-à-vis bicycles, but one wonders how deep that fixation runs in light of Nitto's spelling of "raundoneur." Oh well, c'est la vie.

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