Welcome, jerks.

Yeah, I got the fever. Three or four years ago, a rabid, red-eyed zombie sank its rotten teeth into my arm and thus I was infected with a peculiar strain of irrational obsession. Since then I have breathed, eaten, and slept bikes and almost nothing else. Maybe a vaccine will be invented, or maybe it'll simply pass, but until then I'm a slave to my compulsion to buy, transport, take apart, degrease, scour, lube, polish, assemble, tune, tighten, align, wax, buff, and yes, ride, ride, ride these magical two-wheeled machines.

So, the idea is, on this page I'm going to post pictures and perhaps stories of bikes that I've refurbished and ridden or ones that are in the process or recently completed. Maybe it'll expand from there. We'll see, I guess.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Welcome, bike lovers.

Let's get things started with my own personal bikes. At the moment, they are three. I'd like to keep it that way, or even slim it down to just two. It's hard.
#1 The bike I ride most often is an '88 Miyata 615, a touring bike. But right now I have it configured as a more than slightly foppish townie:

It took me more time than I care to admit to build the wooden crate that I use to carry my personal belongings and groceries.

Not long ago, the same bike, with some different parts, carried me from San Francisco to Ventura, CA:

Sometimes, when the road got steep or I got girly, those roles were reversed and I carried, or rather, pushed, the bike. Lousy photos, but you get the picture. Yeah, that dork in the Black Butte Porter jersey is me. I have a rule that I can only own bike jerseys if they're beer themed.

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